The blitz is scheduled for, Friday, April 13th and can go up at Midnight Eastern or any time after that on release day, and we'd love to have you take part!
If you'd love to participate but won't be able to get your post up by Midnight Eastern on Tuesday the 20th, posting later that day or the following day will be absolutely fine!
You do NOT need to be signed up as a host with Rockstar Book Tours to participate. EVERYONE is welcome to sign up.
The sign-up for the blitz will be super simple. We will provide the excerpt, cover, the blurb, buy and Goodreads links, Rafflecopter code, author details and links, and any other information for the post in a Word document.
And for those who don't want to do more than "tweak" their posts, we will provide a coded post for Blogger blogs that you can just add your own formatting to.
We will send everything you need for your posts by, April 11th . But if you do sign up after the 11th we'll send you the details out on the 12th.
***Sign-ups will be open until April 12th at noon PST***
About the Book

Author: Candace Robinson & Gerardo Delgadillo
Pub. Date: April 13, 2018
Publisher: Evernight Teen
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 314
Lia Abbie has the easy life—kicking it back with old school video games, hanging out with her best friend Barnabas, and alternating her living schedule between the apartments of her two dads and her mom.
Kiev Jimenez is a theater geek who loves him some Shakespeare and taking care of his pet armadillo. He has one set goal in life: obtaining the role of Horatio for the Hamlet school play.
When a showdown between Lia and Kiev lands them in the principal's office, they're forced into volunteer work at the cringe-worthy Piggy Palooza Festival, or risk being suspended. Lia and Kiev aren’t thrilled about the situation, especially when it interferes with Lia's relaxed life and Kiev's theater role. But by working together, they may find more than just bacon—possibly a little love in the air.